A Multi-Channel Communication Platform for Successful Libraries. Answer Users’ Questions via LibChat, SMS, Email, Twitter, Facebook… and Provide a Self-service FAQ Portal, too.
Ensure your users get the answers they need, whenever and wherever. Embed LibChat and “Ask Us” widgets into any webpage, manage all social media communication, and take control of your institutional knowledge with a powerful ticketing system and FAQ builder. LibAnswers does it all, with detailed statistics to boot!
Activity from Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest in one place enables you to efficiently monitor and engage all social channels at once.
It’s as easy as answering a ticket or a question in LibAnswers – all point-and-click operations.
Apply Filters across any social channels to stay on top of all active conversations. Flag posts for followups and deletions. LibAnswers has everything you need for effective monitoring of social channels.
Keep your social media followers engaged even when the library is closed. Schedule posts in advance so your users get a steady stream of social activity from the library.
Time your Social Media activity around library events and schedule posts on every channel to promote the library services and to actively engage your community.
Detailed statistics for each channel in one place give you a clear picture of the library’s Social Media activity.
Who are your social media followers, what are their interests, which users do you most engage with… Our engagement analytics help you understand your social media efforts.
In today’s online world, social media is an essential part of a communication strategy. We help you provide a qualitative picture of the Library’s activity on Social Media.
Unify all library communication channels into one platform. Integrate social media with your reference and outreach services and make it part of your communication workflows.
LibAnswers enables librarians of any skill level to use the social media channels to their full advantage. Our easy-to-use and easy-to-understand social media functionality guides you through everything you need to know to master the social media strategy.
Used by thousands of libraries worldwide – either individually or in a consortial resource sharing setting – LibChat is the ideal chat reference tool. Comprehensive chat functionality, many embedding options, and integrated reference and helpdesk workflows make LibChat an easy choice.
Customize the look and feel of the widgets and embed different widgets on any webpage or inside any web app. Embed them inside Springshare apps with one click!
The LibAnswers platform provides libraries with complete email ticketing functionality, fully integrated with the rest of the communication channels. Answer emailed tickets from one central dashboard, collaborate with colleagues on ticket answers, use different queues for various library departments, build and maintain a knowledge base and FAQs… it’s all here.