Librarian multi-functional station at PetroVietnam University
PetroVietnam University is a university with a mission of training high quality human resources, combining training with scientific research and production and business practices in order to contribute to the sustainable development of Vietnam Oil and Gas Group and the country. With a large number of students, borrowing / returning materials, textbooks are considered […]

Providing RFID system for Hanoi University Library
Hanoi University Library with development orientation: “Building and developing Hanoi University Library in the direction of modern, professional, friendly with strong information resources, diverse products and services , rich, creating a breakthrough in the application of high-tech technology, quality assurance, effective service of training and research activities of Hanoi University as well as meeting the […]

Introductory Video: Trend of RFID application in Vietnamese Libraries
RFID technology has begun to appear and has been widely used in many libraries around the world since the year 2000, until before 2015, the cost of equipment and RFID materials is still too high so there are not many libraries in Vietnam invests in and operates RFID. Today, RFID technology has evolved and adapted […]

Graduate Academy of Social Sciences use RFID system
Graduate Academy of Social Sciences (GASS) is a public educational institution in the national education system of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, a unit of Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences that has the function of training and a isuing master and doctorate’s degrees, doctorate in social sciences in accordance with law; unified unifying management activities […]

Deploying and installing specialized digital equipment and library security system for Southern Institute of Social Siences
The Social Sciences Library at Southern Institute of Social Sciences is a specialized library, serves for research, teaching and learning of researchers, lecturers, masters students, PhD student in the fields of social sciences and humanities. Currently, the library has a total of 152,509 multilingual books; there are 131 newspapers; there are 1506 magazines. In the direction of modernization […]
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