

WebDewey is the electronic version of the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system. It is a full representation of all published numbers, plus other mappings and new terms that have been approved by the Dewey Editorial Policy Committee (EPC). It puts the power of the world’s most widely used library classification system in the hands of metadata managers to efficiently organize their collection(s).

WebDewey is the easiest way to use the DDC to organize and classify library collections. With WebDewey, metadata managers have the most-up-to-date DDC numbers available that are based on an array of continually evolving topics and languages. WebDewey also includes:

  • searching or browsing DDC numbers, Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and mapped MeSH headings
  • adding your own notes and displaying them in context
  • an easy-to-navigate, simple user interface that is suitable for the novice as well as the power user
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Organize your collection

Libraries big and small the world over use the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system to help make sense of today’s complex library collections.

Break down language barriersAsian students using a laptop computer

The DDC system has been translated into numerous languages and serves library users worldwide making it the world’s most widely used library classification system.

Person getting updates on a laptopGet timely updates

Get updates to the DDC through continual updates to the WebDewey service. The Dewey editorial team continually identifies new trends in published topics to include in the DDC to make it work better for you and your library. Email dewey@oclc.org with your Dewey questions and concerns.

Minimize volunteer and staff training timeStaffer reshelving books

Many libraries rely on volunteers and temporary staff to manage day-to-day tasks such as re-shelving books. The DDC’s simple, number-based format makes it easy for these helpers to know exactly where a book should fit on the shelf. They can re-shelve books quickly and have confidence they’re doing it correctly.

Library user browsing shelvesHelp patrons feel more comfortable in the library

Non-regular library users can be intimidated by the rows and rows of shelves, searching the catalog, and even asking a librarian for help. With its subject-based classification system, the DDC encourages patrons to independently browse the catalog, the stacks, and even your programming schedule to find what they need. Once they find the topic area they want, patrons can comfortably browse the items to get a better understanding of your collection.