Exploiting open learning resources from libraries around the world with solutions that use centralized information resource search and transfer system Worldcat Discovery Services

General introduction.

1. Set the problem

In recent years, as the collection of electronic and digital documents has played an increasingly important role in the library’s document collections, it has made the traditional OPAC search portals become more many limitations in searching documents, users will have to go through many different stages to find the most complete source of materials they want. Seeing this, library software solution providers have built a number of solutions with the aim of saving search time for library readers. Federated Search is one of the first solutions built with the ability to search for information from different separate databases in the library’s data warehouse so that it returns results under a single interface. This solution has achieved certain successes at the beginning of the market but there are still some limitations when the metadata content from different databases cannot be fully displayed. The most prominent feature of Federated Search is now showing users different databases to search for.

Recognizing the Federated Search feature has not yet shown that it is a comprehensive alternative, at which point information search and transfer services begin to be built. Basically, these systems are built around a single centralized indexing system with data sources including the library’s internal database, other libraries that are in use. The search results are performed via a simple search box like Google, the search results are then returned in a single interface. Over the years centralized information search systems are becoming very popular in universities, where centralized search systems are deployed separately from library management software vendors. . The first focused search system on the market was the Worldcat Local OCLC which was launched in 2007 and by this time the latest Worldcat Local update became World Discovery Services. Next, Worldcat Local of OCLC is a Summon system developed by Proquest which was supplied to the market in 2009, by 2010 EBSCO appeared on the market with solutions of EDS Discovery Services, the most newly developed market. two Encore Synergy systems developed by Innovative and Primo Central of Ex li-bris Israel.

1.2. Concept of centralized information resource search and transfer system (CIRSTS)

The CIRSTS is a concept that was born around the mid-2000s and was quickly adopted by many libraries, especially university libraries. The philosophy of this system is user-centric. The service’s “Front-End” user interaction aims to provide a unified way of presenting the results in a generic format, on a single web interface whether the data sources are different or different. Different formats.

According to the American Library Association, CIRSTS is a potential tool to transform the nature of the library system. These services are able to find information quickly from a variety of sources (inside and outside the library, internal or remote), creating seamless and unified delivery of information and information. Search over a wide range, the search results are ranked and there are suggestions for relevant documents, and the results are presented in an intuitive interface as expected by the information searchers. Each system will consist of three basic elements: information content, presentation interface and functions related to finding, collecting and distributing information.

2. Worldcat Discovery centralized information search service

2.1 General introduction about the system

Worldcat Discovery service provided by OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) is a centralized resource search and transfer solution, search capabilities and access to 2 billion documents of 74,000 libraries in the world and content providers in the world. Worldcat Discovery is a cloud-based application. Worldcat Discovery creates a direct communication channel between library users and library services and content providers with a single information portal.

Structure of Worldcat Discovery

The Worldcat Discovery service structure consists of the following components: source of information (internal information sources managed by the library, open learning materials and library information sources purchased from publishers or information providers Professional, the centralized indexing system is the place to index all search content by data fields, mining classes and users / information seekers.

3. Components of the Discovery Worldcat system

3.1. Central indexing system of Worldcat Discovery

The heart of the current CIRSTS is the central indexing system. The system will conduct indexing of the entire content such as the content of the library provided, the content of the library purchased by foreign content providers, then return the results under a single interface. .

Built and operated on the basis of the shared criterion of sharing information resources between member libraries, Discovery Services’ central indexing system was originally built from the foundation of  all information is contributed by OCLC member libraries to the Worldcat. Based on Worldcat’s data source platform in Discovery Worldcat’s central index system currently provides users with information resources including:

+ 3 billion articles

+ 410 million books

+ 62 million digitals content items

+ 53 million archival materials

+ 33 million e-book

+ 26 million theses/dissertations

+ 23 million sound records

+ 22 million dissertation records

+ 18 million visual materials

+ 17 million conference proceedings

+ 16 million serials

+ 9 musical scores

+ 6 million maps of maps

After building Worldcat-based central indexing system, OCLC continues to work with member libraries and libraries who are using OCLC products worldwide to identify Determining the library’s database usage needs, what libraries have assessments of the suppliers’ databases currently on the market so that they can work with content providers in the market currently, from it to enrich content in the central index system of Worldcat Discovery. The system will provide users with access to information materials of over 340 major content providers in the world who are OCLC partners such as Springer, Elsevier, EBSCO, Proquest, … Worldcat Discovery Services currently is the only centralized information search system in the world that can access the content of current EBSCO and Proquest providers.

In addition to data from well-known content providers around the world, open data sources (Open Access) are also a very well-developed OCLC development path for Worldcat Discovery. When the registered libraries use Worldcat Discovery library the default will have access to all open resource database sets that are being integrated in the system’s centralized indexing system to which the library.

Open source data in Discovery Worldcat is currently being contributed by OCLC member libraries and content providers. It is possible to name typical databases such as:

  • OAIster: Is a database of OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) that allows searching free electronic academic information contributed by individuals and organizations worldwide. There are over 30 million document information that can be searched through OAIster’s apparatus in formats: text, sound, image, and video. Types of documents such as dissertations, theses, research reports, technical documents, image collections
  • HathiTrust: A collaborative project that shares digital data repositories from libraries and research institutes, including digitized documents from Google Books related projects. HathiTrust was established in December 2008 in cooperation with 60 libraries and research institutes from the United States, Canada and Europe. As of October 2015 HathiTrust contains information of more than 13.5 million publications covering many different areas.
  • Worldcat Dissertation and Theses: The database contains information on over 20 million dissertation documents, the thesis is contributed by OCLC member libraries, many of which are full text links. Worldcat Dissertation and Theses is currently being evaluated as one of the major dissertation databases and dissertations in the world today.
  • CONTETNdm community: Shared digital collections of 3000 libraries in the world are using digital CONTENTdm collection management software developed by OCLC. Documents shared through the CONTENTdm library community include categories such as essays, theses, audio, image collections, etc.
  • ArticleFirst: The database of citations for more than 16,000 journals published since 1990 in the fields of Science, Technology, Medicine, Humanities, Culture and Economics. ArticleFirst contains 27,000,000+ records (records) along with a list of libraries that owns most of the top magazines, updated daily.
  • Electronic Books – eBooks: The comprehensive database contains the records of e-books cataloged by OCLC members. ElectronicBooks includes over 1,900,000 records of cataloged ebooks with the names of their own libraries, updated daily.
  • Electronic Collection Online (ECO): The database indexes more than 5000 electronic magazines of OCLC. Users can view abstracts and full-text articles from journals ordered by the library. ECO includes more than 4,200,000 records of magazines published since 1995 and updated daily. The magazine in ECO covers topics: Agriculture, Anthropology, Business Economics, Education, Fine Arts, Geography, Linguistics, Law, Library Science, Literature, Medicine, Philosophy , Political Science, Psychology, Religion, Social Science, Technology.
  • MEDLINE: Database of medical, nursing, dental, veterinary, biological, biochemical and medical organizations … Compiled by the National Biotechnology Information Center (NCBI) of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) allows free access online. The database of MEDLINE contains more than 18,700,000 records from more than 19,000 published documents from the 1950s to date and updated daily supplementary citations.
  • ERIC: The Ministry of Database indexes more than 1000 journals and other types of education materials published by the US Department of Education. ERIC includes over 1,400,000 bibliographic records of documents from more than 1,000 magazines published from 1966 to date, updated monthly. The documents in ERIC cover the following topics: Education, vocational and vocational education, assessment of education, information and technology in education, educational environment, ethics in the industry, students tablets and issues … ERIC contains a full-text section that allows open access.

In addition to databases on Worldcat Discovery users will also have access to open access databases from content providers around the world with databases such as Wiley Online Library Open Access 2011 – 2015; World bank Policy Research Working paper; Taylor and Francis Open Access; ScienceDirect Journals – Cell Press; Oxford, Cambridge University press; Nature Publishing Group, …

In addition to database databases on the centralized Discovery World index system, it includes information from 2000 databases of libraries that are contributing to the Worldcat Discovery’s centralized index system.

3.2. The discovery interface layer in Discovery Worldcat

Information search feature

Worldcat Discovery supports two features: basic search and advanced search. With both of these features, only a single search patrons or a librarian can access all types of documents in different formats related to the search keyword. The basic search feature of Worldcat Discovery is displayed under a simple search box similar to the Google search engine.

About the ability to support advanced search Worldcat Discovery provides 50 different options for users to be able to filter and expand the search scope. The system supports searching with the “and, or, not” operators besides that the user can also limit the scope of search results by year or by type of document … With basic search capabilities Worldcat Discovery does not limit the number of databases that perform a search once, but with the advanced search feature can limit the number of certain databases to perform a search.

In the process of performing a search and index the basic data fields, including “Title, author name, subject, journal title, collection name, document type.” , language, review, collection range, … “after performing a search, indexing the above data fields if the result is still not appropriate for the Worldcat Discovery keyword will execute Search and index the remaining data fields in the section showing the document’s metadata information. This makes Worldcat Discovery always return search results to data fields including weakly indexed data fields.

Display and discovery information.

If the library is a member of OCLC and contributes the bibliographic record information of its library to the Worldcat catalog system, when libraries use Worldcat Discovery, they can request customized information to information about the library’s record, information about the library’s document resources on Worldcat will always be displayed first on the Search results page of the Worldcat Discovery, this list will be displayed as a catalog from AZ. After displaying detailed information about the record will be the location of the document and the current state of the document in the library’s OPAC database.

To facilitate patrons in the process of identifying documents and formatting of documents. The system will point out to different document formats, there will always be separate notifications of documents placed right below the title such as e-book, audio book, e-audio book, video DVD, videocassette, music, audio CDs, cassettes, audio books, musical score, computer files, journal / magazine / newspaper, Internet resource.

With the local digital documentation of the library, or library material purchased by content providers, or documents from open data sources, the system will automatically review which documents need to authenticate access, which documents are currently allowed full text access and displayed to patrons through the “View Online” feature.

Worldcat Discovery will rank the relevance of the search results to include the most recent results for the search request by ranking the results of the search results as well as suggesting the relevant documents, searcher’s request. For example, if users search for a document called “Marketing” published in 2013, the results will display the author’s marketing-related documents in the years before or after, such as 2012 or 2014.

Integration with interlibrary loan service: With Worldcat Discovery the library can be directly integrated with the Worldshare Interlibrary Loan provided by OCLC and is currently used in over 9000 libraries around the world. . The service will be integrated directly on the interface of the system, patrons after searching for documents can search if the documents can be borrowed from the library, and then use the interlibrary loan service. to borrow materials from other libraries according to your needs.

Integrated interlibrary loan feature

World Discovery Discovery provides the ability to filter and display search results in the form of facets directly on the use screen. Information about descriptive elements of document records, content of documents that are broken down and displayed directly on the search results page will help readers quickly reduce the scope of the search. documents according to user needs. Facets format filters are displayed according to the data fields in the document record.

Unlike common OPAC ports with World Discovery Discovery provide a support interface for mobile devices, smart devices, users can access smart devices to access library information with a single search.

4. Conclusion

With the constant increase of documentary resources of different types  with the trend of exploiting online information and using digital resources, putting libraries into a problem is how to get Can solve the information needs of patrons using the library in the fastest and most convenient way. In the context of information discovery and search tools in library management software of the previous generation, it has not caught up with the modern development trend, solutions to search and transfer centralized information resources appears on the market and has met the use needs of libraries. Among the solutions currently available on the market, Worldcat Discovery Services developed by OCLC  with strong advantages of combining and sharing resources in the world’s largest library community as one. A solution worth considering for Vietnamese libraries in the integration process with the global library community.


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