

EZproxy allows your library to deliver e-content to users simply, effectively, and securely no matter where or when they’re searching. EZproxy facilitates a single sign-on to e-content using your institution’s preferred authentication method, such as SAML or LDAP while protecting user privacy and keeping usage data under library control.

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Connect users to e-content with a single sign-on

EZproxy provides your users with continuous access to the e-content they need without the hassle of remembering various passwords and usernames.

Icon: AuthenticationMake authentication easy

EZproxy connects to a wide variety of authentication services and content providers. Your users connect to EZproxy using their existing credentials, then EZproxy connects on their behalf to your licensed databases. Vendors see requests as coming from an authorized IP address and permit access.

Keep your e-content secureIcon: Secure content

EZproxy connects to your library’s existing authentication systems to ensure e-resources are protected according to your security and authorization standards. EZproxy also utilizes an optional call out to a security API that validates requester IP addresses. If you need to investigate unauthorized usage further, EZproxy tracks additional security events in Audit logs.

Icon: EZproxy hosted solution

Make more informed decisions

EZproxy log files contain rich e-resource usage data that enhances library decision making. You can use web log analysis tools to manually analyze this data or take advantage of EZproxy Analytics, a turnkey analytics service that makes it easy to get actionable insights. OCLC also provides consolidated monthly usage reports to hosted libraries.

Icon: User privacyMaintain library control and trust

EZproxy was built for libraries to protect user privacy. It protects the identity of your users while vouching for the authenticity of their requests. And since you retain control of your usage log files, you don’t have to rely on content providers or other third parties for your library’s data.

Icon: EZproxy hosted solution

Ensure access with less overhead

EZproxy integrates with a variety of library systems to point users toward your library’s e-resources. You can continue to ensure seamless access with EZproxy hosted, a service fully set up and managed by OCLC, including EZproxy upgrades, stanza updates, and server maintenance. We also offer a stand-alone service that you manage.