CONTENTdm allows you to easily build, preserve, and showcase your digital collections on your personalized website, making them more discoverable to people around the world. CONTENTdm also secures and monitors your master files in a cloud-based preservation archive so they remain safe for the future.

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Showcase your special collectionsCONTENTdm

CONTENTdm’s end-user experience is freshly designed for phones, tablets and workstations. It allows you to easily build and showcase your digital collections on your personalized website, making them more discoverable to people around the world. CONTENTdm also secures and monitors your master files in a cloud-based preservation archive so they remain safe for the future. Be confident that all types of users can access your site because of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) compliance efforts.

CONTENTdmCustomize your digital collections website

With CONTENTdm integrated tools, you can quickly create a branded look and feel for your library’s digital collections website. CONTENTdm makes it easy to customize your site, whether or not you have programming skills. You can embed streaming video, include map-based browse functionality, and incorporate three levels of customization. These include adding a branded look and feel for your library’s digital collections website, using programming skills to easily add in additional context, or embedding videos and maps, and using CONTENTdm’s extensive APIs to embed your digital collections in your large library web presence.

Share your digital collections in all formats

CONTENTdm can handle document, image, video, and audio files of any kind, and it offers audio and video players for smooth play on mobile devices. With CONTENTdm, you have full control over your digital resources and their descriptions, access, and display. You can fully customize metadata fields and maximize end-user discovery of your materials. CONTENTdm’s integration with IIIF APIs allows you to share images across collections and connect your collections with many tools and viewers.

Ensure secure, managed storage and monitoring for your master files and digital originals

CONTENTdm includes a preservation archive so you can be sure your library’s master files and digital originals are securely stored in a purpose-built environment. Our systems regularly inspect your files to ensure that what you sent us is what you’ll get back in the future. On the day your content arrives, our systems perform quality checks and record the results in a “health record” for each file. Our automated systems revisit these quality checks periodically so you receive up-to-date reports on the health of your collection.