The world bank is an An Inter-Governmental Organization, established in 1994, headquartered in Washington, DC, USA with more than 188 member countries. Through the implement and publishes research on a broad range of social and economic development issues including finance, health, education, climate change, trade, energy, aid effectiveness, development policy and poverty, the world bank wants to help the developing countries to end extreme poverty within a generation and boost shared prospertity.
World bank elibrary is an added-value, subscription-based web site focused on the unique needs of libraries, researchers, and the academic community. It contains all World Bank books, journals and working papers published since early 1990’s (nearly 9,000) cover more 28 topics (develop economics, population, reduce poverty,…). WB elibrary offers many time-saving tools including access to content at chapter level, export citations, content alerts, bookmark content, mobile-friendly access.
WB elibrary used to by the world’s top academic institutions, international and governmental agencies, think tanks and NGOs.
The main collections of World Bank elIbrary:
– World Bank Flagship and Annual Publications
– Data Publications
– Regional and Thematic Series
– Training Manuals and Handbooks
– Working Papers
Journal Articles from World Bank Economic Review, World Bank Research Observer, and Development Outreach