Implementing and installing digitizing equipment at the Institute of Han Nom Studies

The Institute of Han Nom Studies is the only institution in Vietnam that is both a center for preserving the original Chinese and Nôm characters and a center for exploiting Chinese and Nom materials. The Library of Institute of Han Nom Studies has a diverse and richly diversified  resources. Currently, the total materials of the Han Nom Research Institute include:

  • Reference materials (including Vietnamese and other languages): 17,000 units of books, maps and over 7,000 magazine units of all kinds.
  • Han Nom materials include: The general bookstore has about 20,000 units; The collection of carved texts has over 48,000 units; The ancient carved wood plank is about 20,000 units

Library of Institute of Han Nom Studies is gradually shifting from manual service to automation of library activities. The library is building databases to manage the endogenous scientific information materials.

Moreover, with many special materials including maps, pictures, engraved texts, Han Nom materials. In addition, the age of most documents is very long (up to several hundred years), the digitization of these documents is not simple, requires specialized equipment and software, and with experienced and well-trained professionals in these areas. For such reasons, the device digitizing CZUR ET16 Plus is exclusively distributed by IDT in Vietnam and selected by the Institute.

On July 3, 2018, IDT Vietnam technicians introduced an overview of equipment and software usage guidelines, installation procedures, how to operate and maintain each device with participation of management and more than 50 staff of the Institute.

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