2018 OCLC Asia Pacific Regional Council Conference

Dear Libraries, Centers,

OCLC Asia Pacific Council Conference – 2018 is an annual forum for regional libraries to meet, share management experiences, and build and organize initiatives. 2018 library will be held in Bangkok, Thailand. IDTVietnam company as OCLC’s authorized partner would like to send to the Library, Program Center details of the workshop as follows.



Libraries are continuously evolving to meet changing community needs. Ongoing demands and opportunities—driven by technology advancements, data overload, heightened institutional complexities, and user preferences—make keeping pace difficult, and getting and staying ahead even more so. But what if you changed your frame of reference, and focused instead on leading change? Join fellow OCLC member leaders to discuss how we can move beyond incremental progress and instead change the game, transforming not only libraries, but communities. Together we will share ideas and experiences that dramatically expand the boundaries of librarianship.

Conference  are held on Wednesday, Thursday, 28 and 29 November.


We hope you’ll join us for this exciting event held in Bangkok, Thailand. The active two-day agenda was designed for attendees representing all library types and will feature thought leaders from within and outside of the library community, including library colleagues and OCLC leadership. The content of the sessions, including “technology and innovation, library space and library resources, statistics – data analysis and purpose for the community.” This is your opportunity to connect with fellow library leaders to share ideas, learnings, and insights.

In addition to the conference sessions are connected activities: Attendees will have many opportunities to connect with regional member libraries through special events.

Cost of attending conference:

– Unit is OCLC member: USD 189 / person

– Non-OCLC member: USD 229 / person

Registration form:

– Register online at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/oclc-asia-pacific-regional-council-meeting-2018-tickets-41817420029?discount=aprc18

For more information about the conference, please visit the website:


Or contact us for more information:

Mr. Trinh Xuan Giang – IDT Vietnam

Email: giangtx@idtvietnam.vn

Phone: + 841- 69-269-4158

Best regards,


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