IDT Vietnam attended the ASOCIO Smart City Summit 2018 in Hanoi

On September 18, 2018,  IDT Vietnam attended the ASOCIO Smart City Summit 2018 in Hanoi under the chairmanship and coordination of the Hanoi City People’s Committee, the Asian Asian-Oceanian Computing Industry Organization (ASOCIO) and VINASA. The Summit is organized for the purpose of sharing the vision, strategy and experience of smart urban construction, based on new technologies such as: IoT, Big Data, AI, AR … Especially, there will be discussions, exchanges and  solution proposal on the smart city construction and development for Hanoi and other cities and provinces in Vietnam, helping to solve the urgent issues of cities such as: traffic management, urban, security and environment, …

The Summit will be attended by 700 delegates from the Government, Ministries, Departments of Hanoi and other cities in Vietnam and Asia; leaders of key businesses in sectors such as electricity, water, transportation, environment, banking, finance, health care; leaders of enterprises, leading technology corporations of Vietnam and the world. Besides, there will also be promotion activities such as: ICT Best Practices Exhibition, Business matching, Site visit, Tour programs…

IDT is honored to participate in conferences and work to build a smart city with total digital solutions in the fields of education, banking, insurance, health, government, …



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